by Lonnie Richardson | Dec 30, 2013 | Life Lessons, Spiritual
FollowFollowFollowFollow Greetings! I am most happy that you are here today as I discuss briefly how the New Testament is laid out and the order of books of the New Testament. Hopefully, this post will expunge any uncertainties and give you fresh insight to the books...
by Lonnie Richardson | Dec 24, 2013 | Life Lessons, Spiritual
FollowFollowFollowFollow There is a reason for the seasonChristmas. Christmas is a time that is looked forward to by young and old. We wait for Christmas every year all year long. We wait for the gathering of family and friends. We wait for food in abundance. We wait...
by Lonnie Richardson | Dec 4, 2013 | Life Lessons, Spiritual
FollowFollowFollowFollow Let’s Not Just “Play” Church!I’ve seen it way too often. No, I’ve experienced it way too often. Too many church bodies in America are merely “playing” church. What do I mean by that statement? Well, if you will allow me to...
by Lonnie Richardson | Dec 4, 2013 | Life Lessons, Spiritual
FollowFollowFollowFollow Bible Study: Old TestamentOkay, today we are going to explore the Old Testament briefly to some extent. Actually, we are going to merely begin to explore the Old Testament briefly. Have you ever wondered why the Books of the Old Testament are...
by Lonnie Richardson | Dec 4, 2013 | Life Lessons, Spiritual
FollowFollowFollowFollow Prayer: Personal Time With GodPrayer, as I have mentioned previously, is a means of communication with God. It is also a means of praise and worship. Prayer is a means of expressing faith and for thanks giving. But, did you know that God has...
by Lonnie Richardson | Dec 4, 2013 | Life Lessons, Spiritual
FollowFollowFollowFollow Witnessing- The Daily WitnessWhat does it mean to witness daily? Well, it could mean several things. It could mean that the power of the Holy Spirit is flowing strong and that you are being brought into people’s lives on a daily basis to share...