


Acts 1:8 "but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." (NASB)These words, according to Luke (the author of the Book of...

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DiscipleshipI once heard it said, “There are two kinds of people. There are those who need to be saved and those who need to be discipled.”What does it mean to be a disciple? In the Greek, the word for disciple is mathetes, which means “follower” or “pupil”....

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Reason for the Season

Reason for the Season

There is a reason for the seasonChristmas. Christmas is a time that is looked forward to by young and old. We wait for Christmas every year all year long. We wait for the gathering of family and friends. We wait for food in abundance. We wait for the exchange of...

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Prayer is not merely a religious activity. It is a spiritual necessity! What can be said about prayer? Plenty.Prayer is a means of communicating with God that we may have a relationship with God. In prayer we worship and praise God. We give thanks to God through...

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Please Be Patient

Please Be Patient

This site is constantly a work in process sought prayerfully from God.  Please bear with us as it unfolds in His timing.  In our lifetime, we have learned not to rush God or think we can do it for Him.  For only He can do it best and bless it richly! Sometimes, we are...

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About LJRM

I grew up in Northeast Louisiana in a very rural area five miles east of Kilbourne. I work as a Licensed Practical Nurse in a nursing home providing care for people with various forms of dementia. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Religion from Liberty University and I am an ordained Deacon at our church, The Gathering Church, in South Knoxville, TN. Additionally, I am an ordained Minister of the Gospel by the same church....read more

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Lonnie Richardson
Bible Study: New Testament Layout
Let’s Not Just “Play” Church!
Prayer: Personal Time With God
Reason for the Season
Bible Study: Old Testament Beginnings
Witnessing: The Daily Witness
Please Be Patient
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