Witnessing: Witness for REVIVAL

Witnessing: Witness for REVIVAL

About three weeks ago I tore the calf muscle and plantar ligament in my left leg. That’s bad in regards to the fact that it is a rather painful injury. However, it has also been a good thing that I have had the time to delve more deeply into Bible study, prayer, and discipleship. Witnessing was one of the areas of daily living that I have devoted a great deal of time in study and prayer to.

Witnessing: Witness for REVIVAL

It has been a hectic time…

FollowFollowFollowFollow I am truly amazed that God can love someone like me. God is so good and I am so stinking rotten. I have been lax on posting here during the month of February and as I look over the reasons I fear that I must admit that those reasons are no...
Witnessing: Witness for REVIVAL

Bible Study: Apologetically Speaking

FollowFollowFollowFollow The word apologetics is an English derivative of the Greek word apologia which means “answer”. Apologetics has absolutely nothing to do with apologizing about anything. Apologetics, according to Grudem’s Systematic Theology is “providing a...
Witnessing: Witness for REVIVAL

Prayer: The VALUE of Prayer

FollowFollowFollowFollow Does prayer have value? Certainly! Why would God give us a means of communicating with Him and communing with Him if prayer had no value? Roy Gingrich in “Continuation of Salvation Doctrines” gives us plenty of insight regarding...

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